Alhamdulillah.. da settle 2 papers for today.. Kurang la ckit beban but still have more to go.. Akan ku tabahkan diri menghadap notes yg sampai 2 fail pon xmmpu nk memuatkan semuanyer.. All the best for me and Rx8!
ok, mase musim exam ni, we kept thinking and preparing ourselves for this 'ujian' which is the final exam.. so, usrah n tazkirah mase iftar sis Rx8 dulu pon berkaitan dgn ujian.. actually kite mmg xleh lari dr ujian kt dunia ni.. sakit, malas, lapar, ngantuk, xde duit, sume 2 ujian utk kite.. yg menarik mase usrah ari2 is that we were asked to share each of our greatest problem that we have faced sepanjang idup kt dunia ni.. so, I kept thinking hard n recalling all the memories of life I ever had.. tp x trjumpa lg any ujian yg boley dikategorikan as getir.. so, I juz tell one of my problem that amongst all the prob I had, I considered it as the biggest one.. then, each of us tell their own stories.. ade yg quite shocking n sdey.. so at that moment, I thought, prob dyorg lg besar dr prob aku.. tp aku, stakat prob yg ni je pon aku bley nangis tiap2 ari.. hmm.. how lucky I was to be in this position.. but how lucky they are to experence all those things which eventually makes them stronger..
the problem we faced itself does not matter, what matters most is how to deal with it.. so, as a Muslim, we have to face all the problems by kebergantungan pade Allah.. always think that among all the people in the earth, Allah has chosen ME to experience this problem.. why is that?? simply bcoz Allah knows that u can handle it!
Dalam Surah al-Insyirah (which is my favorite surah):
"Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan dadamu (Muhammad)?. Dan Kami pun telah menurunkan beban darimu. Yang memberatkan punggungmu, Dan Kami tinggikan sebutan namamu bagimu. Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ade kemudahan. Maka apabila engkau telah selesai (dari sesuatu urusan), tetaplah bekerja keras (untuk urusan yang lain), dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah engkau berharap."
so, whatever problem that u face, no matter how hard the exam questions are, remember! There is always a solution for every problem.. Allah xkan membebankan sesuatu kaum melainkan dalam kemampuannya.. yg plg penting, tawakallah pd Allah sebagaimana tawakal Nabi Ibrahim masa dicampakkan ke dlm api yg marak.. InsyaAllah, all is well.. :D
p/s: mentang2 ade 3 hari gap between nexr papers, perasaan malas membuak2 dlm diri.. huhu.. notes da sedia tersusun kt sblh, tunggu tgn n minda yg bersedia jek untuk grab mende ni.. GAMBATTE!
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