Alkisahnye, bas kitorg kol 9pg from KT.. Estimated to arrive Putra at 6pm.. Plan kitorg is, sampai Putra trus gi KL sentral, then naik ERL to LCCT to check in kol 8pm (flight kol 10.30pm).. Tup2, dah takdir yg ditentukan Allah, ari kitorg beli tiket 2 ialah hari org ramai sibuk nak blk ke KL blk lps raye.. Honestly, we never thought about this, sbb kitorg fkr "alah, mesti org sume da blk dah, kan da seminggu raye, jln xjam punyela!".. Turns out, raye kali ni, mostly dapat cuti seminggu.. Tapi, belum pon sampai kawasan yg dirisaukan jem, bas Trans******al buat hal.. dunno what the prob is, tp bas 2 stucked kat bengkel kat kuantan.. kitorg mmg da cuak gile takut termiss flight (burn rm3k kot), carilah pelbagai alternatif and lastly, kitorg decided to get off the bus and rent a taxi from Kuantan straight to LCCT. erm, don't ever ask what the cost is.. klu fikir, baik beli tiket flight trus la.. cepat n berbaloi.. nak dijadikan cite, taxi driver 2 sgt cooperative ngn kitorg n memecut selaju2nye n Alhamdulillah, kitorg sempat sampai kt LCCT 30minits before counter check in ttp.. Fuh! Spnjg perjalanan, mmg xley ddk diam, rase nk nangis pon ade.. Rase bersalah sgt kt kwn2 yg xley nk cek in sbb tunggu kitorg.. Thank you Allah sbb bg kitorg peluang utk menjejakkan kaki ke Australia..
Then, tiba di Melbourne, cuaca mmg sejuk coz we came in the middle of winter.. Sampai2 jek, tourist guide bwk kitorg jln2 and shopping! The next day, the educational part of the trip begin.. We visited Monash University. The facilities there are amazing! Nothing to be compared with University in Malaysia (UIA apetah lg.. ). . Want to know more, wait for the next part! hehe..
p/s: skrg da blk kat uia, so i need to have a good nite sleep in order to have a fresh start for a new semester.. i'm a final year student now! huh, dunno how to act like one, rase cam xckp ilmu je lg nk jadi final year and finally grad.. wish me luck! oh, gambar i'll upload on next part..
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